
An engineer with a PhD in AI/Robotics with an expertise on visual control of robotic systems with deep reinforcement learning.

About me

My name is Sardor Israilov and I was born on the 05/04/1997 in Uzbekistan. I am an engineer, living in France for more than 8 years. I have a PhD in AI/Robotics with the focus on visual control with deep reinforcement learning. During my PhD I had hands-on experience with deep learning methods applied on 3 different robotic systems: cart-pole, static robotic fish and moving robotic fish. My work incorporated deepened knowledge of deep RL applied on the control of robotic fish and appropriate physical derivations. You can find more information about my PhD in my thesis.

Prior to Phd, I worked as an engineer-apprentice for 3 years at Solystic and I had my Master's degree from INSA Lyon. Working at Solystic allowed me to acquire solid skills in programming at Matlab/Simulink. As my final year project at INSA Lyon, I implemented Mask R-CNN to segment automatically medical images; the model was trained on the cloud.

At some point, I was engaged in robotics club, where I had a chance to participate in France Robotics competition (CdF robotique). I am a lifelong learner and I completed numerous online courses including Udacity Robotics and ML nanodegrees where I had a chance to program in python and C++ for projects like “home robot(SLAM) in gazebo”, “Deep RL robotic arm”, “point cloud” etc. available in my github. Finally, I am passionate about cutting-edge AI techniques having big impact on our daily lives and I want to be part of it.

Working stack

Tools and Languages: Python, Machine Learning, Git, LaTeX, C++, Algorithms, Image & Signal Processing, Matlab & Simulink, Raspberry/Arduino, Visual-servoing, Java and Android Studio, SQL, SolidWorks, CatiaV5, Gazebo, ROS, RVIZ, Docker
Mastery area: Deep reinforcement learning (DRL), Computer vision, Control theory, Data analysis, Physical modeling
Communication: Fluent in English, French, Russian | German(A2)
Download my CV

Video of my defense

Thesis manuscript

Research and PhD at I3S/Inria/INPHYNI

Optimization of the robotic fish swimming speed with deep learning

Check out preliminary paper: deepFish

Some hardware developed overview: overview

Swimming gait optimization of a robotic fish via Deep Reinforcement learning using camera (CNN), force sensors (FCN); work with sensors such as IMU, LIDAR...

  • Optimization of the speed of an autonomous robotic fish via deep RL in simulation (gym, mujoco, comsol) and experiments.
  • Visual-servoing with VAE coupled with DRL.
  • Article in progress
Project 1

Optimiation of the robotic fish thrust

  • Physical Modeling, identification and simulation of robotic fish dynamics | CAD modeling and 3d printing.
  • Colloquim poster presented at Euromech Colloquium 628, Poster Session on "Complex particles in turbulent flow". May 4, 2023
  • article submitted PNAS
Project 1

Cartpole - educational benchmark for deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Deep RL control of a cart-pole in simulation and real setup
  • Dynamical Model identification and sim2real transfer of a control policy.
  • mechanical Development (solidworks) and installation of an experimental setup
  • Article
  • code

Check out the video: article: Video of deep RL

Another video of model-based control: LQR and Lyapunov

Project 1

Master thesis project: Medical image segmentation using Mask-RCNN

  • Mask-RCNN instance segmentation of different parts of an IRM heart scans
  • code and report

Appreticeship Solystic (Northrop Grumman)

Motorisation study AGV (Data analysis and filtering)

  • Python/matlab processing, filtering of large logs (>300MB) and testing of different motors at the AGV
  • Initial mechanical conception of a swerve drive for halonomous robot AGV

Industrial automation

  • PLC coding of functional blocks in CodeSys and SoMachine for industrial automation and safety applications; Development on Schneider M251 of conveyor system for postal-sorting machines. The conveyor system was part of TOP2000v2 product and interacted with AGVs.
  • Matlab/Simulink HMI and modeling for the motor selection
  • Development of sizing tools to guide the choice of electric motors and motor drives

Project 1